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Accepted Paper:

"it's only natural that women tend to sympathize with leftist and green parties" - the (female) Red Pill narrative in generation identity  
Marie Rodewald (Universität Hamburg)

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Paper short abstract:

It is common sense within members of the far-right group Generation Identity that women "naturally" sympathize with leftist parties. The symbol of The Red Pill refers to the process of how members overcame leftist strategies and recognized that the only way to happiness leads through patriotism.

Paper long abstract:

The majority of members in Generation Identity (GI) are young men. As in many other neo-nationalist and right-wing groups, women only play a tangential and subordinate role in numbers and positions within GI. However, the few women who are engaged in their political work are very often displayed and presented in the most visible and noticeable manners.

It's seems to be common sense within GI members that women "naturally" sympathize with leftist and green parties, as those know how to address "female empathy" with measures of pity and maternal instincts when it comes to "for example, refugees". When women finally overcome the tendencies of being fooled by the strategies of "leftist mainstream media and their propaganda" just once - so the common narrative - they will notice that the only way to fulfill "natural female instincts" leads into patriotism: Almost all GI members (men and women) refer to the symbol of The Red Pill that was originally invented by misogynist men's rights movements in the US derived from a pill that appears as the motif of the fruit of knowledge in the popular dystopian movie Matrix.

I will present:

• how GI naturalizes voters profiles according to gender,

• how the common right-wing narrative of The Red Pill appears in GI's online/social media presentation, and

• how GI justifies 'the way to (female) happiness' through patriotism only

Panel Gend02
New gender dynamics? Instrumentalization of gender in European neo-national and right wing movements
  Session 1 Monday 15 April, 2019, -