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Sui generis

Panels that address the conference theme from thematic angles unique to the panel.


The future of archives, traditions of institutional and individual archiving practices, and disciplinary concerns about the use and future of collected data.


Audiovisual works on the diverse implications of “dwelling”: films, photographs, audio works, installations and web-based formats on the conference theme.

Bodies, Affects, Senses, Emotions

Aspects of the body, embodiment, senses and emotional life in the context of cultural practices and lived experience, as well as politics and social movements.


Panels looking at dwelling in - and changing - landscapes, environments, ecosystems.


Explores the congress theme through food: its production and consumption, distribution, food as cultural heritage and the related practices and beliefs, as well as the social anxieties and politics behind them.

Gender and sexuality

Gender politics and sexualities, including discussions on ethnographic traditions, masculinities, power, body politics, identity politics etc.


Heritage and the processes and practices of heritagization, including the politics of intangible heritage, material heritage, museums, memory and commemoration, heritage management etc.


Dwelling in a large variety of contexts, co-habitation, home as space and material culture, as well as conceptualizations of home and home-coming.

Material culture and museums

The material aspect of dwelling; the physical objects, architecture, resources, and spaces that define cultures and communities, and the practices involved in creating, using, preserving and displaying them.


Dwelling while moving; the challenges and dreams of refugees and minority groups and all people on the move; as well as the cultural outcomes, politics and economics of migration and contemporary mobilities.


Panels that bring together scholars using narratological tools for making sense of complex times, human adjustment and experiences, contemporary and past spaces, stories told of, and as, dwelling.


Ways of Dwelling: Crisis - Craft - Creativity presented in posters.


Rituals, religious practices, imaginations, processes of heritagization and social change in various religious contexts.


Dwelling in the countryside, issues of traditional knowledge, and the cultural and socio-economic challenges rural areas face in the contemporary world.


Considers various aspects of urban dwelling places and practices and public space as well as the challenges of researching it.


The world of work (paid, unpaid) and career paths, changes in patterns of work organisation, dwelling at work, working at home, living one’s life, and moving around the world in work mode.