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Accepted Paper:

Paradise in the city: about a commercial and leisure centre called Manufactura  
Anna Kubisztal

Paper short abstract:

This presentation shows how huge impact a commercial and leisure centre has on a local society. I would like to present Manufactura as a non-place and a product of supermodernity. It is also a space where temporary identity is possible

Paper long abstract:

The purpose of this abstract is to present a unique place not only in Poland, but also in Europe. It is situated in Lodz and called Manufactura. Manufactura is analyzed as a non-place (based on the concept of Marc Augé) and a space that can create and shape life of society. Manufactura has deep roots in Lodzian history, nevertheless, after it was adopted into a commercial centre it has become a non-place which pretends to be a place in anthropological meaning. It is situated in a revitalized factory, whose owner was a Jewish manufacturer Poznański. This place was believed to have been a promised land for Lodzian society due to a huge industrial development in the 19th century. There are a few important issues which I would like to take into consideration. The first issue is the identity of Lodzians, it seems that Manufactura reflects local identity. Not only because it is situated in a historical place but also due to cultural events which are organized on the market. On the other hand this non-place makes it possible to obtain a temporary identity. What is more, from an ontological perspective Manufactura's space forces itself on their participants using appropriate synchronized codes but these codes are not synchronized with the space surrounding Manufactura. I would like to present a market from an anthropological perspective - its influence on people's behaviour, practices, way of thinking, even way of dressing. It is a social must to be in Manufactura for shopping or during local celebrations, showing a membership to the society by wearing membership's labels (conspicuous consumption). Market is decontextualized, depending on cultural or social events and seasons. Everything that is happening in Manufactura is temporary. The central market always stimulates positive emotions in it's visitors because of a variety of events and also due to sociopetal space.

Panel P117
Urban scenes and cosmopolitan identities
  Session 1