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Accepted Paper:
Paper short abstract:
This paper proposes a look on practices in contemporary art which approach the Place in urban contexts by electing direct experience, seeking models of action and located sociability, taking the dialog as the principle of a process that leads to the construction of ‘images’ based on the development of experiences.
Paper long abstract:
This paper proposes a look on practices in contemporary art which approach the Place in urban contexts by electing direct experience, seeking models of action and located sociability, taking the dialog as the principle of a process that leads to the construction of 'images' based on the development of experiences. Practices that are examples of resistance to social formatation under the influence of the media and which give rise to a set of actions and relationships that occur in a given space-time raising awareness for the sense of inhabit a world in common.
The group Oda Projesi and Jeanne van Heeswijk will be the cases in focus as examples that propose a view of the public space of cities crossed by different communities of language, history, culture and religion (the clash of identities with need of translation), formulating frameworks for experiencies to create something together. Approachs that do not stay by the observation and interpretation of the Other, acting with him in his many forms. In public space heterogeneous and fragmented , these proposals will develop a work focused on micro-situations that give priority to the person.
Enhanced in public spaces outside the circle of institutional art system, and in close relation with the daily lives of its inhabitants, art thus becomes a state of encounter which creates new modes of identification and collaboration.
Dis-/re-placements: creative engagements with people and place
Session 1