Paper short abstract:
This paper should be included in the research field that explore the relation between spatiality, embodiment and emotionality and, from that perspective, aims to explore the differences between pilgrimage and procession.
Paper long abstract:
The term itinerary or route is related to cartography, where the route plan shows the road and stops along the way, incorporating those elements that must be protected. Another conception of itinerary, characterized as a systematic displacement, which determines the use and consumption patterns of the geographical space based on the type of travel and its main goal.
This paper seeks to apprehend the religious from a geographical approach and use the body and emotions as a way of understanding the social. To this end, we propose to utilize the pilgrimage and the procession, two religious paths, as forms of fusion of space, emotions and body.
In this respect it should be noted that the pilgrimage is a personal or collective initiative made by the believers to a place considered sacred, which is done for religious reasons and as an act of faith. It usually involves more than a walk day.
For its part, the procession is a journey that has different degrees of solemnity, is made in a place considered sacred to another of the same nature and is intended to acknowledge a benefit or beg for help "God" is done singing or praying.