
Crafting images: Collaborations between animation and ethnographic filmmaking  
Alexandra D'Onofrio (University of Manchester)
Rossella Schillaci (University of Genoa and UT Austin Colab - Nova University of Lisbon and University of Texas at Austin)
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Short Abstract:

This panel invites animators and ethnographic filmmakers to reflect on the intersection of participant observation, animation, and documentary filmmaking. It focuses on how these approaches complement each other, exploring how animation can enhance understanding of the protagonists’ perspectives.

Long Abstract:

What are the potentialities and the challenges in the production of collaborative ethnographic films that make use of live footage and entirely created images through animations? What are the specific methodologies and theoretical perspectives used by animators that are beneficial for the production and research entailed in ethnographic films? And vice versa, what ethnographic approaches are animators interested in applying to (in)form their practice? What type of new aesthetics emerge from this collaboration?

This panel invites collaborating animators and ethnographic filmmakers to share their experiences and reflections on how they have combined ethnographic practices of filmmaking with animation. We intend to explore the productive space of working in the intersection between anthropological approaches of audio-visual storytelling and representation, and the more creative and interventionist practices of animating and illustrating , that have required a collaboration with professional artists, or with protagonists. How do animation practices create collaborative ways of exploring and representing the world with protagonists/research participants?

By discussing what brings together the two different artistic and academic backgrounds, we wish to create a context for reflecting on the reasons that motivate visual and multimodal anthropologists to combine ethnographic filmmaking with modes of exploring reality that are unique to animation.

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