
has 1 film 1
Visualising the Future: Photography, Digital Sharing, and Alternate Imaginaries 
Richard Fraser (Arctic University of Norway (UiT))
Peter Ian Crawford (UiT - The Arctic University of Norway)
Christian Vium (Aarhus University)
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Thursday 9 March, -
Time zone: Europe/London

Short Abstract:

This panel explores the role of photography for understanding alternate futures. It considers the use of historical and contemporary photographs and new forms of digital sharing by actors in diverse ethnographic contexts and their collaborations with anthropologists, museums, and institutions.

Long Abstract:

We invite participants working in diverse ethnographic contexts to consider how photographs are used for imagining alternate futures. We especially welcome those working collaboratively with source communities, through institutions such as museums, and in dialogue with NGOs, political organisations, and conservation initiatives. Particularly in the digital era of social media, the Internet, and new mobile technologies, we are keen to explore how people harness, disseminate, and share photographs in new and novel ways, specifically to imagine and actualise alternate futures.

Possible sub-themes include:

- The role of photography in anthropological history and the encounter between anthropologist and host community

- Ethnographic accounts of photo return, repatriation, and digital sharing

- The use of photographs as tools during ethnographic fieldwork and photo elicitation

- The relationship between museums and host communities and the politics of representation

- Photographs as personal, transportable, and trans-historical objects

- The use of photographs to reconstruct local histories, challenge historical representations, and project alternate futures

- The role of digitisation in archival research

- Artistic and museological encounters with photo collections

- Gendered dimensions of photographic depictions and subaltern experiences

- Questions of ownership, democratisation, and decolonisation

- The ability of photographs to communicate “invisible” dimensions (e.g. sacred places, spirits, and non-human actors)

- The “political ecology” of photographs in the context of the Anthropocene.

- Digital photographs, drones, and mobile phones

- The agency of photographs and their after-lives in physical and digital forms

- Phenomenological experiences and tactile encounters with physical and digital photographs

Accepted papers:

Session 1 Thursday 9 March, 2023, -
Panel Video visible to paid-up delegates