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Collaborative visualisation: the potential for visual anthropologists to support academics from other disciplines, to communicate and further their research using creative methodologies. 
Alexander Parkyn-Smith (Myriad Film Research)
Greg Bankoff (University of Hull)
Liz Hingley
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Shumaila yousafzai (Nazarbayev University)
Tuesday 7 March, -
Time zone: Europe/London

Short Abstract:

Visual anthropologists have the skills and methodologies to support academics across disciplines to better communicate their research. We will showcase the toolkit of diverse collaborative approaches that can help facilitate the co-creation of imagined futures, in tangible ways, in the present.

Long Abstract:

Visual anthropologists, those employing a background in social science research methodologies alongside a technical and/or artistic skillset, increasingly find themselves working at a nexus between art, academia, applied research and public communication. This roundtable focuses on the process of collaboration - working in the present with the subjects of research and academics from different disciplinary backgrounds - to take research off the page and create visual outputs to reach wide public audiences.

The roundtable format brings together diverse disciplinary perspectives to discuss the myriad ways of working with visual anthropologists. Discussants will illuminate the opportunities, insights and impacts of collaborative practice through examples of completed and active research projects.

Roundtable presentations on:

1. How producing a documentary film with an environmental historian helps communicate past practices in water-level management that might have renewed relevance in tackling the impact of ongoing climate change (Greg Bankoff & Alexander Parkyn-Smith)

2. How processes of mutual making can illuminate the ways that digital photography and smartphone SIM cards connect people and foster belonging for those who have experienced displacement (Liz Hingley)

3. How using photography can help communicate the personal narratives of women entrepreneurs in Central Asia (Shumaila Yousafzai & Alexander Parkyn-Smith)

4. How autoethnographic filmmaking grapples with the "messiness" of being black women in academic spaces (Danyelle Greene)

Visual methodologies often challenge traditional academic communication strategies. They can also be overlooked as superficial add-ons to research and not given fair weight by research communities. This roundtable argues that the future of visual anthropology lies in collaborative visualisation across disciplines.

Accepted contributions:

Session 1 Tuesday 7 March, 2023, -
Roundtable Video visible to paid-up delegates