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Accepted Contribution:
AI in the Health and Wellness Coaching Industry: Researching How AI Compares to Human Health Coaches and Independent Efforts
Clara Aboel-Nil
(Alpha High)
Contribution short abstract:
Comparing the effectiveness of AI health coaches, traditional human health coaches, and independent endeavors through mixed-method research.
Contribution long abstract:
This research aims to investigate the most effective weight loss strategy for women in their 40s and 50s, comparing the impact of human coaching, independent research, and AI-based health coaching. Leveraging a mixed-methods approach, this study incorporates data from pre-existing online research for the human coaching and independent work aspects, supplemented by primary data collected for the AI coach component. It also includes interviews and surveys on the experience and motivational aspects of losing weight through each method. The research question addresses a critical question in health and wellness: which approach yields optimal results in weight loss for women in their 40s and 50s? How do these methods impact participant’s motivation and results? By synthesizing information from diverse sources, this study aims to provide a comprehensive overview and nuanced understanding of the varied strategies employed in weight loss efforts. I expect to find that the AI health coach is most effective in terms of numerical results, with the human coach close behind. I suspect that independent research and efforts will have the poorest results. However, I also expect the human coach to have higher ratings in the motivational aspect and the AI and individuals to have lower ratings in the motivational aspect. The findings of this research will not only contribute to the field of health sciences but also offer valuable insights for individuals seeking effective weight loss strategies in their middle years.