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Accepted Paper:

Deaf community and their linguistic-cultural representations in the museum`s narration.  
Dagmara Stanosz (University of Silesia)

Paper short abstract:

Based on the example of collection and exhibition "Głusza" (DeafLand) in the Silesian Museum in Katowice, I will present the importance of objects in creating cultural representation in museums narratives, bilinguistic and hybrid video-textual publishing and public spaces.

Paper long abstract:

The purpose of the paper is to highlight the problems of constructing inclusive narratives as well as to analyze the social sensorium of the Deaf in terms of counteracting various forms of audism. Taking to account participatory museum model it is necessary to include the deaf community representation into the museum collections, narration and public discussion about common hearing and non-hearing sensorium. The sign language user visitors should exist on equal terms and their identity should be perceived more from a cultural and linguistic perspective than a perspective of medical model of hearing impairments. Museums are the most important space for discourse about the impact of sign language users ant the global context of Deaf minority into the European cultural heritage. The Museum of Silesia model of cooperation with the Deaf community, deaf art collection, exhibition and application "Głusza" are a good practice example for others.

Panel P15
Learning and Unlearning with Museum Collections
  Session 3 Thursday 27 June, 2024, -