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Accepted Paper:

Autoethnographic Reflections on Racial Identity: Transracial Adoption, Cosmopolitanism, and Hybridity  
Bea Mariam Killguss (New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling)

Paper short abstract:

This paper explores culture, race, and racism through a transracial adoptee's experiences, emphasising self-identity amid cultural influences. It contributes to a cosmopolitan perspective on diversity, multiculturalism, and human development, focusing on the transracial adoptee journey.

Paper long abstract:

This paper engages in an auto-ethnographic exploration of intricate dynamics at the intersection of culture, race, and racism, providing a distinctive viewpoint through a transracial adoptee's experiences. Employing reflective writing and self-directed interviews, it navigates the complexities of shaping a cohesive self-identity amid competing cultural influences.

With a focus on ambiguity and hybridity, the research contributes to our comprehension of diversity and multiculturalism, particularly within the context of the transracial adoptee experience, enriching our understanding of human development. This emphasis aligns with the nuanced interplay of these elements, nurturing a cosmopolitan perspective.

The study thoroughly investigates the transracial adoptee journey, addressing narratives, intersectional discourse, integration, open-ended narratives, ambiguity, and hybrid identities. These aspects offer valuable insights, contributing meaningfully to academic and societal discourse on human development.

Through meticulous examination, this research underscores the significance of acknowledging and navigating ambiguity while cultivating a hybrid identity within the broader context of human development. It adds depth to discussions on multiculturalism and diversity, offering a unique perspective on the intricate processes of human development in the transracial adoptee experience.

Panel P53
Labyrinthine Navigation: Psychoanalytic Anthropology's Ambivalent Entanglement with Human Development
  Session 3 Friday 28 June, 2024, -