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Accepted Paper:

Photography and knitting, the two wings of the bee.  
Johanne Verbockhaven (UCLouvain)

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Paper short abstract:

Based on methodological tinkering in place during fieldwork, the experiments conducted with photography and knitting as alternative means of communication to a linguistic vector supported also the impregnation process and reduced the risks of over-interpretative bias due to a linguistic unfluency.

Paper long abstract:

If a Phd research elaborate between Art/Crafts practices and Anthropological approach can be considered as an opportunity to elaborate educational material, this should be thus my humble contribution to the quilt.

Trough practicing photography and knitting as a research process during the anthropological field trip conducted in Iceland. Crafts practices have been considered in regard of my linguistic incompetence. For the french ethnographer J-P Olivier de Sardan, the linguistic unfluency of the researcher is a major problem while conducting anthropological field trip because it is one of the ways in which various over-interpretative biases can occur. Although he admits that every researcher has to innovate methodologically. He advocates that an 'impregnation' is involved in learning a language. (Olivier de Sardan, J-P, 2001).

But, is speaking the native language really the only way to achieve this impregnation ? I should argue that based on my methodological tinkering set in place, my experiments conducted me to develop alternative means of communication to the mainstream linguistic vector. Those experimental means trough photography and knitting practices, supported my impregnation process, reduced the risks of over-interpretative bias and more than anything else generated meaningful processus based on share practices and co-creation of knowledges.

And rather explore the notion of silence and prevented speech (Ricoeur 2000) as a source of knowledge to be consider into the research’s corpus gathered.

Panel P07
The anthropology class/room as quilting bee. Educating through craft and silence
  Session 3 Tuesday 25 June, 2024, -