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Algorithmus, wat isn dat? (Algortihm - what is that?) 
Emilian Franco (Universität der Bundeswehr München)
Oliver Kalla
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Thursday 9 June, -
Time zone: Europe/London

Short Abstract:

In the documentary "Algorithmus, wat isn dat?" (algortihm - what is that?) we look at the influence of algorithms on our daily lifes in Germany. In the center stands the question, how our algorithmic future is imagined.

Long Abstract:

In the documentary "Algorithmus, wat isn dat?" (algortihm - what is that?) we look at the influence of algorithms on our daily lifes: be it in the morning while checking the newsfeed on our phones, during the following car drive to work guided by GPS or finally at the end of the day, algorithms influencing the decision making process for a movie night.

The documentary depicts and describes those moments of "algorithmic life". Interviewing experts, the (short) documentary also tries to find answers to the question, how sensitized and aware people living in Germany are in relation to algortihmic influence and power. Additional questions arising in this film are: Why do we need a broader debate about algorithms, and how should this debate be structured? How will our algorithmic future look like?