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Critical Research-Creation Engagements with Artificial Intelligence: New Works from the Making Culture Lab and CriticalMediaArtsStudio (cMAS) 
Kate Hennessy (Simon Fraser University)
Gabriela Aceves Sepulveda (Simon Fraser University)
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Trudi Lynn Smith (University of Victoria)
Freya Zinovieff (Simon Fraser University)
Steve DiPaola (Simon Fraser University)
Prophecy Sun (Emily Carr University of Art Design)
Cecil Brown
Tylar Campbell (Simon Fraser University)
Wednesday 8 June, -
Time zone: Europe/London

Short Abstract:

Toward an anthropology of the multimodal, we present research-creation works engaging AI that represent, visualize, and interrogate expressions of gender, race, histories, relationalities, materiality, and cultural forms for exhibition and dialogue across disciplinary boundaries.

Long Abstract:

In this roundtable, members of the Making Culture Lab and the CriticalMediaArtsStudio (cMAS) at Simon Fraser University, with collaborator and discussant Steve DiPaola, will present recent works engaging AI that represent, visualize, and critically interrogate expressions of gender, race, histories, relationalities, materiality, and cultural forms for exhibition and dialogue across disciplinary boundaries. As a method increasingly visible in anthropological work, research-creation brings together artistic and scholarly methodologies and legitimates hybrid outputs (Loveless 2015). It raises questions about the reshaping of artistic research into an academic discipline (Steryl 2010), and asks what is at stake in pedagogy, practice, and experimentation (Manning 2016).

Responding to the growing prominence of the multimodal in anthropology, we present research-creation artworks that act on calls for "an anthropology of the multimodal" (Takaragawa et. al. 2018; Smith and Hennessy 2020) that engages the multimodal's position as an expression of technoscientific praxis and infrastructures, including artificial intelligence. This work shows how the multimodal, which is deeply intertwined with increasingly ubiquitous AI, is complicit in the reproduction of power hierarchies and forms of oppression but may also forge fugitive pathways to new ways of seeing and sensing. Works include engagements with oral history, race and fugitive spaces; machine vision and classification of the material; facial recognition and surveillance; AI-generated narrative, sonic decay, and poetry; and gendered bodies, kinship, and bacteria. They point to possibilities for anthropology to critically engage with technoscience in critical practice and the place of research-creation as a method for an anthropology of the multimodal.

Accepted papers:

Session 1 Wednesday 8 June, 2022, -
Roundtable Video visible to paid-up delegates