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Immersed in the Story: Narrating about and with New Technologies 
Sylvia Martin (The University of Hong Kong)
Lisa Messeri (Yale University)
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Monday 6 June, -
Time zone: Europe/London

Short Abstract:

This panel focuses on the intersection of immersive technologies and storytelling practices. Papers and stories will serve as a reminder that technological development is not cordoned off from humanistic impulses. What kinds of futures are promised, and what solutions are being offered?

Long Abstract:

This panel focuses anthropological attention on the intersection of immersive technologies (AI/VR/AR) and storytelling practices. From anthropological scholarship of the importance of storytelling for social cohesion among hunter-gatherers, to research into the power of "extremist fiction" that mobilizes readers into political action, to fan studies that reveal how fans enact and embody story elements for self-expression and social justice, the academic record amply demonstrates that storytelling is a powerful activity. AI/VR/AR are touted as new arenas and new facilitators of storytelling, yet these immersive technologies are ambiguous entities: they are interdisciplinary, they traverse institutions, and they are in the making. The futures being created come from this intersection - but what kinds of futures are promised, and what solutions are being offered? What does this intersection mean for narrativity? What kinds and quality of interactions emerge through storytelling practices and immersive technologies? The papers in this panel will serve as a reminder that technological development is not cordoned off from humanistic impulses: innovators are engaged in storytelling, and storytellers are engaged in innovation. In the spirit of embracing humanistic impulses, this panel welcomes stories about AI/VR/AR as well as ethnographies and analyses of the intersection of storytelling and AI/VR/AR.

Accepted papers:

Session 1 Monday 6 June, 2022, -
Panel Video visible to paid-up delegates