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Accepted Paper:

Revitalising Indigenous Food Systems through Biocultural Heritage Territories  
Krystyna Swiderska (International Institute for Environment and Development)

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Paper short abstract:

Indigenous food systems are critical for conserving biodiversity but face multiple threats, including from conservation policies. This paper explores the role of biocultural heritage and biocultural heritage territories in revitalising Indigenous food systems and biodiversity stewardship.

Paper long abstract:

Indigenous farming and food systems sustain rich biodiversity and deliver multiple benefits (for food security, resilience, health and wellbeing) but are facing unprecedented threats from agricultural modernisation, conservation and development policies, and lack of recognition of Indigenous Peoples’ rights. Many conservation policies still fail to recognise the fundamental role of Indigenous cultural and spiritual values, norms and practices, and contribute to their erosion. This paper presents evidence of the role of Indigenous values and worldviews in biodiversity conservation, drawing on research in Peru, Kenya, India and China. It presents the concept of ‘biocultural heritage’ as an alternative conservation and development framing which reflects Indigenous holistic worldviews and bridges sectors and knowledge systems. It explores successful efforts to revitalise Indigenous food systems through Biocultural Heritage Territories such as the Potato Park in Peru, and efforts to establish such territories in other contexts and continents.

Panel P034c
Interdisciplinary approaches to conserving endangered crop diversity, agricultural and food heritage
  Session 1 Tuesday 26 October, 2021, -