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Accepted Paper:
Forest conservation through biocultural heritage, the example of Inhambane Mozambique
Pascoal Gota
(Uppsala University)
Anneli Ekblom
(Uppsala University)
Coastal Forest Mosaics, occur as ecologically rich but sensitive patches along the southern Mozambique coast, some under customary protection. In this paper the role of local protection for the conservation of forest patches is discussed.
Paper long abstract:
The ecoregion of the Southern Zanzibar-Inhambane Coastal Forest Mosaics occur as dispersed patches along the coast. Ecologically diverse they are also ecologically sensitive areas in the coastal southern Mozambique landscape. It has been estimated that along the East African coast only c. 10% of original forests remains. However, no inventories has been carried out in Inhambane and the understanding of ecological dynamics is hampered by the lack of knowledge on landscape history. In this paper the history and ecology of forest patches in Inhambane region is discussed. Some forest patches have been safe-guarded over centuries through customary rules of protection. These are important heritage sites both for the maintenance of customary practices and for biodiversity, but potentially also for community based payment for ecosystem services projects. The paper presents the first initial findings based on areal photos, satellite image analyses and local history – laying out a method for investigating the protection of forest patches as and through bicultural heritage and in a transdisciplinary approach together with local communities.