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Accepted Paper:

Coping strategies of people in rural communities in post-socialist times: ethnographic study of the village of Dobrovnik, Norteast Slovenia.  
Andrej Naterer (Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor)

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Paper short abstract:

Contribution is based on the fieldwork in the area of Dobrovnik, NE Slovenia, between 2016 and 2018. The main aim is to present trajectories of coping strategies of rural communities adapting to the changes within transition from socialist Yugoslavia to contemporary EU.

Paper long abstract:

This conference contribution is based on the ethnographic fieldwork in the area of Dobrovnik and neighbouring villages in Northeast Slovenia. Fieldwork was conducted between 2016 and 2018 as a part of two research projects, one focusing on survival strategies in times of crisis and one focusing on formal and informal institutions in the Balkans. Three main methods employed were participant observation, interview and visual notes. The main aim of the contribution is to present trajectories of coping strategies of rural communities striving to adapt to the changes that resulted from switch from one socio-political reality, namely socialist Yugoslavia to another, contemporary EU. Findings show a series of changes in social behavior of these communities, for instance in distortion of traditional forms of reciprocity, and a series of difficulties in adoption of new formal rules enforced by EU, resulting in tenstions between formal and informal institutions.

Panel B08
Anthropology and Geography in Postsocialism
  Session 1 Friday 18 September, 2020, -