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Accepted Paper:

Moving with the Borders; Structural alterations of the Dokpas in Sikkim Himalaya  
Nirjala Rai (Sikkim University)

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Paper short abstract:

The pastoral landscape of Sikkim Himalaya evolved as one of the most remarkable landscapes sculpted by semi-nomadic Dokpas and their Yaks. The uncertain climates along with geopolitical interventions, have left them with multiple challenges thus leaving a profound impact upon their way of life.

Paper long abstract:

Dokpas are the semi-nomadic community living in the highlands of Sikkim Himalaya associated with subsistence practices of rearing Yaks and sheep. The Dokpas are mostly known to be associated with the traditional Yak herding practices based on seasonal movements from high altitude to low altitude and vice versa. Yaks are the sole provider of Dokpas livelihood and a flagship species of the highland ecosystem. The history of Yak pastoralism in Sikkim is structured in a unique bond and the relationships shared by the people of Tibet as well as Sikkim along with the movement carried through traditional paths that connected these two landscapes. However, the Dokpas way of living introduced in the highlands for more than a century is thriving in the landscapes that are now being gradually eroded through geopolitical as well as socio-economic interventions. Their traditional way of living is being distorted with the passing time and are now being left to adjust with many challenges day by day.

Panel MV10a
Nomadic geographies: territories as spatial imaginaries moving with people and things
  Session 1 Wednesday 16 September, 2020, -