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Accepted Paper:

Beauty as a Strange Tool: Fascination with Beauty and a the Knowledge in Arts  
Barbora Kundracikova (Olomouc Museum of Art)

Paper short abstract:

Work of art is one of the instruments of dealing with the world. Complex concept of beauty is one of the possible tools of understanding its mechanism. Our aim is to follow the phases of the creative process and to measure it with the principles of dualistic theory and recognition theory.

Paper long abstract:

Beauty is one of the complex concepts. Her understanding depends on whether or not it is associated with the attitude of the perceiver towards the thing or the thing itself: Hence its position in the context of the theory of recognition - and the development of subjectivity, but also in the context of dualist philosophy, especially the argumentation of Martin Buber. Fascination with beauty is a natural initiative moment of interest in knowing - the identification of a thing as a thing gifted with a specific enumeration of features and qualities, but with the notion of ideal. What is beautiful is beautiful because of the inner, the transcendental, and the ideal. Moving on the boundaries of identity, inter-subjectivity, and objectivity is remarkable in particular in fine arts. Especially in the European context where the art still has a high expressive quality which means it is a subject to the author. As an example, exploring the limits of beauty as a motivation for cognition, the present realistic and highly illusive painting is used. It is understood as a way of understanding things, as a kind of special tool (Alva Nöe) approaching the world and its systemicism. Regarding an example of the work by Zdeněk Trs and other Central European painters there is also the question of the relationship between the science and the art in their approaches to the knowledge.

Panel P098
Beauty and its Dilemmas
  Session 1 Saturday 2 June, 2018, -