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Accepted Paper:
Children's experiences living with HIV
Colleen Walsh Lang
(Washington University in St. Louis)
Paper short abstract:
This research explores Children’s experiences living with HIV as a chronic illness. Through anthropological fieldwork this research explores children’s understanding of HIV, their social roles, and their interactions with international global health programs.
Paper long abstract:
Relatively little is known about children's experiences living with HIV. As access to ARVs increases, more children will be living longer with HIV as a chronic illness, and therefore a better understanding of their experiences is necessary. Through long term anthropological fieldwork, this research explores how children understand their illness and incorporate the practice of taking medicine into their daily lives. It explores to social role of children by investigating the interactions among children, caregivers, and sponsoring organizations. Finally, it explores the ways in which western ideals of independence and individual responsibility influence the way in which global health funds reach the children and affect their daily lives.
Children's experiences with Global Health
Session 1