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Accepted Paper:
'Quality' cord blood banks: various perspectives from different stakeholders
Hung-Chieh Chang
(School of Global Studies)
Paper short abstract:
This article investigates different stakeholders’ perspectives on what a ‘quality’ cord blood banks means in China. It is found that the disparities between international and national regulation has limited exporting cord blood from China to other countries.
Paper long abstract:
Hundreds of cord blood banks have been set up around the worlds. What makes a quality cord blood bank is always a key issue, not only for parents but also for physicians and patients. From collection to application, cord blood bank is the place where various stakeholders converge. It attracts international and national regulators, physicians, scientists, entrepreneurs, parents, and patients. Drawing on the fieldwork and documentary analysis from 2013 to 2015 in China, this article discusses the different aspects of the quality that are presented by different stakeholders, including physicians, parents, scientists, cord blood bankers, and international bodies such as BMDW. It highlights that the gap and difference among these parties. While the cord blood stored in China could account for 10% of the world cord blood inventory, the difference between international and national regulation has constrained the cord blood in China to be used in other countries.
'Stakeholder' as an emerging keyword in Global Health cultures: but what are the stakes and who holds them?
Session 1