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Accepted Paper:

Trapping surfaces: contributions to the study of the concept of container  
Viviana Lebedinsky (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) Paris, France)

Paper short abstract:

Which elements of analysis may the study of a device add to the reflections on the idea of container when such a device is conceptualized as a flat surface that suddenly traps? This is one of the most significant questions that we aim at deepening in the paper.

Paper long abstract:

Reflections on the concept of container - which we intend to focus in this paper -are based on the study of a device that, instead of encapsulating, suddenly traps.

Designed to restrain or stop the movement of bacteria in investigations carried out by scientists in the frontier of knowledge, one of the questions we will ask ourselves is which elements of analysis may the study of such a device add to reflections on the idea of container when said device is conceptualized as a flat surface?

Which are the techniques that allow to build such a device?

In the paper we will go deep into the transformation of the flat surface into a container and reflect on the idea of creativity (Boden 2004), which the design of the device under consideration assumes. We will examine the concept of container taking into account its interaction with the living matter in question and, especially, study one of the skills that scientists develop related to the idea of design as the imagination of the future (Ingold 2012).

How the inner and outer sides of a device - designed on a flat surface - are conceptualized? Which is the relevance of the conceptualization of interiority and exteriority of said device with regard to that it actually allows in the research carried out by scientists? Also, how the device interiority and exteriority are distinguished on the basis of image observations? These are some of the most important questions to deepen in this paper.

Panel P41
Containers and the material life of Global Health
  Session 1