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Accepted Paper:
How alternative medicine revive traditional healing therapies: the case of segnatura in Italy
Isabella Riccò
(Rovira i Virgili University)
Paper short abstract:
The aim of the article is to describe the traditional therapeutic ritual of segnatura and explore how alternative medicine uses it like a part of his therapies.
Paper long abstract:
Segnatura, still practiced in parts of Italy, is a traditional diagnostic-therapeutic folk ritual for treating specific illnesses (herpes zoster, sprains, erysipelas, pinworm infection). It exploits the symbolic and empirical effectiveness of incantations, objects, signs and unguents. Based on ethnographic research in the region of Emilia Romagna on medical pluralism, this article analyzes the dynamism and creativity of the ritual and how it is used by holistic therapists. Two case studies (i.e. a segnatura initiation ritual carried out on December 24th 2013, and organized by an association that is concerned with analogical medicine and Enrica's therapist) demonstrate how the traditional practice of segnatura has adapted to alternative medicine through its continuing relation to sacredness.
De-medicalisation and the rehabilitation of nature in Western culture
Session 1