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Accepted Paper:

Veto and limitation of nature using in a folk culture and problems of minimizing ecological threats  
Viacheslav Rudnev (Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology)

Paper short abstract:

The problem of the overexploitation of nature by modern society is of special interest to those studying the procedures of veto and limitation in folk cultures. Ethnological data assigned different motives and procedures to activities in the use of nature that were traditionally used.

Paper long abstract:

Traditionally, relationships in nature - society system are complicated. They are dependent on human concern for activities that support life and specificity of the World's vision. Local vetoes and taboo played important roles in minimizing pressure on flora and fauna in the pre-industrial period. Hunters and fishermen, farmers and cattle-breeders were directly dependent on natural resources. Quite often, the folk veto on the use of nature assisted in preserving local natural resources. Modern society has preserved a global dependency on natural resources. The reducing of biodiversity, the lower fertility of soils and other ecological problems are the result of overexploitation of nature by society. New highly-effective technologies in the use of nature assisted in generating higher profits but led to the unfortunate result of the degradation of nature. New technologies have not led to society's independence from natural resources but has created a regime of overexploitation. Losing a sense of global dependence of society on nature is a real threat for society and for its future. The problem of minimizing ecological threats is urgent for modern society. Using technologies friendly to nature and norms of eco-ethics are important steps in minimizing ecological threats. Discussing the value of some folk experience in the limitation of nature use may be useful for modern society in the context of searching for a way of sustainable development.

Panel P036
Indigenous knowledge and sustainable development (Commission on Indigenous Knowledge and Sustainable Development)
  Session 1