Median ages of eruption of permanent teeth in 800 Punjabi Jat-Sikh boys, aged 5 to 20 years, have been examined through probit analysis. Mandibular teeth erupted earlier than the maxillary teeth except the left first premolar and the right second premolar appearing earlier in the maxilla.
Paper long abstract:
Permanent teeth emergence ages serve the purpose of maturity indicators only for a limited number of years. In a cross-sectional study, 800 punjabi Jat-Sikh boys in age range of 5 to 20 years were examined through visual examination for the eruption of permanent teeth. Each one year interval age group included 50 boys based on age calculation from decimal age calendar. Written consent of the students/parents was obtained. Median ages of permanent teeth eruption in the upper and lower jaw were calculated through probit analysis. Mandibular teeth erupted earlier than the maxillary teeth except maxillary left first premolar and maxillary right second premolar erupting earlier than the respective mandibular teeth. Maxillary teeth eruption occurred between 5.99 yrs (left first molar) and 19.78 yrs (right third molar). Mandibular teeth eruption occurred between 5.93 yrs (right first molar) and 19.27 yrs (right third molar).