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Accepted Paper:

Ugandan Indian 'Re-Expatriats' in Switzerland  
Bobby Luthra Sinha (University of Basel, Switzerland)

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Paper short abstract:

This paper seeks to bring out the the exact circumstances of the Ugandan Indians journey, stay and experiences in Switzerland with the motive of analysing the community's ideas, imagination as well as voice in their personal as well as the political sphere.

Paper long abstract:

Long Abstract

It is a little known fact that there is a small community of Ugandan Indians who have settled down in Switzerland after their forced departure from Uganda in 1972. Based on primary field work amongst a few such families in Switzerland, this study is a worm's eye view of the processes of memory, heritage, losses as well as gains that define their new life. Although there have been works before that bring up the notion of `twice migrants' indicating the change of space as well as skills that are required to upgrade such a change, yet what I intend to open for debate here is that these were not just 'twice migrants' in terms of a political and spatial event. Rather they were the 're-expatriats' wherein they had to re-move, re-settle as well re-adapt as a community in a third new environment. The paper will be discussed in three parts : Forced Expatriation and Re-expatriation, Re-Settlement and Re-adaptation.

Panel MMM31
The causes and diversity of migration processes (IUAES Commission on Migration and Diaspora)
  Session 1 Thursday 8 August, 2013, -