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Accepted Paper:

New Horizons of Human Development: Art,Spirtualty and Social Transformations  
Ananta Kumar Giri (Madras Inst of Development Studies)

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Paper short abstract:

Human development means not only economic, political and ethical development; it also means artistic and spiritual development. My paper offers such a multi-dimensional vision and practice of human development with art and spirituality at its core.

Paper long abstract:

Human development means not only economic, political and ethical development; it also means artistic and spiritual development. All these dimensions of development are interlinked but we have not paid sufficient attention to artistic and spiritual bases and horizons of human development and social transformations.

There is a transformation in the discourse and practice of art now which links it to establishing relationships of beauty and dignity in society. Art is not only what we draw on a piece of paper but the quality of life we live and create in our lives and society. The broadening and deepening of vision and practice of art resonates with broadening and deepening of both spirituality and society. My paper presents new paths of yoga and tantra of human and social development. The yoga of human and social development involves creating fields of mutual learning and connectedness. The tantra of development involves creating vibrant spaces of conviviality where all concerned would enjoy being together and grow in each other's warmth of relationship. The broadening of art and spirituality also is accompanied by deepening of the discourse and realization of the social where social no longer means only structures but also spaces of self and mutual realization. My paper presents these new horizons of human development in both discourse and practice

Panel BH17
Aesthetics of development: art, anthropogy and spiritual transformations of self and society
  Session 1 Thursday 8 August, 2013, -