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Accepted Paper:

Between Italy and Paraguay: Interrupted journeys  
Valentina Bonifacio (Ca' Foscari University of Venice)

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Paper short abstract:

There are about one hundred Paraguayan people today in the Italian prisons, and most of them are women. By engaging in conversation with two of these women, we aim at understanding what it means to be inexpectedly and suddenly removed from "home".

Paper long abstract:

Due to the changes in the international traffic of cocaine, more and more women get caught every year in the Italian airports. Abruptly removed from their country of origin, these women are suddenly asked to stop being mothers, wives and citizens. This video, realized in collaboration between an anthropologist, an artist and a video-art editor, aims at giving a sense of what it means to be caught up into an interrupted journey.

Panel G17
Anthropology in-the-making: exploring dynamic ways of story-telling and non-conventional methods of presentation
  Session 1 Tuesday 6 August, 2013, -