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Accepted Paper:

The impact of telecommunication services on urban and rural people of Maharashtra.  
Prakash Gambhir (University of Pune)

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Paper short abstract:

The new and advanced telecommunications technologies are integral part of our society. The study reveals the socio-economic impact of telecommunication services on urban and rural community of Maharashtra.

Paper long abstract:

The total 200 sample sizes were considered randomly, all they were the telephone and mobile phone users. The questionnaires which contain the 24 closed ended questions related to socio-economic aspects. All of the users derive better benefits of telecommunication services although it incorporates some harmful aspects. This paper explores telecommunication services and shows its socio-economic impacts on people in Maharashtra.

The study confirmed that there is a positive correlation between telecommunication and quality of life indicators. It has been found that telecommunication contribute significantly towards enhancing income, employment, and entrepreneurship and economic opportunities and improving quality of life especially in rural areas. As wireless technologies required much lowered cost to roll out over large areas than fixed line systems, mobile can potentially play vital role in socio-economic development. telecommunication technology provide affordable communication services which can solve so many problem of society and every individuals and countries every individual respondents is highlighted saving in travel cost and time also physical exertion and made daily life easier due to telecommunication services. it was found that , telecommunication also help in improving transport services, business efficiency, efficiency of taxi services, financial services, healthcare services.

To businesses telecommunication networks used as the life line. This telecommunication network can be used to create economic opportunities strengthen social ties between migrant workers and their families. Telecommunication is essentially for socio-economic development, education, healthcare, knowledge, transportation, safety and security, physical disabled people, emergency and nation building.

Panel BH10
Development of the underdeveloped
  Session 1 Wednesday 7 August, 2013, -