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Accepted Paper:

Changes in the Oraon Traditional Medicine: An effect of Globalization  
Saonli Roy (University of North Bengal)

Paper short abstract:

Tribal health is very much influenced by globalization; due to various policies the people were not able to access the forest so they have to mould themselves towards the modern medical practices.

Paper long abstract:

Health is no doubt a major concern of community development. The health problems need special attention in the context of tribal communities of India. The World health Organization has defined health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Oraon is one of the tribal communities found in India, which mainly depends on agriculture for their economic development. Sometimes they also depend upon the forest also. They have the knowledge of treatment of diseases invariably based on the use of medicinal herbs found in the region. They used leaves, roots, bark of trees and some plants which grow in the jungle.

The tribal's in India have met different facts regarding their relationship with forest. The forest occupies a central position in tribal culture and economy. The tribal way of life is very much dictated by the forest right from birth to death. It is ironical that the poorest people of India are living in the areas of richest natural resources. This was happened mainly because of the administrative impositions and changes in the forest policies. For the effect of modern trends they were bound to convert themselves. For various rules of forest the tribal groups don't able to collect the herbs. There are some restrictions to cut the trees so they have to opt modern health care practices.

Panel LD23
Tribal health: emerging consequences in the era of globalization
  Session 1 Wednesday 7 August, 2013, -