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Accepted Paper:

has pdf download Ethnomedical Practices among the Siddi of Coastal North Karnataka  
Rajesh Gururaj Kundargi (Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India)

Paper short abstract:

researcher brings out the interactionist elements that exist within a nuanced cultural context, when we take into account the health seeking behavior of the people Siddi. It is the institution of ganwati dawa which forms the basis of the ethnomedical practices of the Siddi tribe

Paper long abstract:

with the advent of modernity, in the form of increased mobility among the people ,shifting occupational patterns, changing family structure, modern healthcare and educational facilities, the people are encountering new and impending realities within the domain of health and illness. Thus, the present paper makes use of the framework of quality of care in unraveling the discourse between the indigenous ethnomedical practices on one side, and the forces of medicalization as an agenda of modernity on the other.

Panel LD23
Tribal health: emerging consequences in the era of globalization
  Session 1 Wednesday 7 August, 2013, -