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Accepted Paper:

Growing Instability of Human Security: A Study of Tribal People in Odisha  
Madan Meher (Jawaharlal Nehru University)

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Paper short abstract:

India is emerging in the world affairs in growth and development but all developmental means have awful impacts over the poor people in general and tribal in particular. To explore the growing instability of human security with special focus on tribal people, the study has taken Odisha as a case.

Paper long abstract:

In the contemporary era, India is rising as a great power in terms of its growth and development through industrialization and other means. Indeed, on the one side these developmental means have been growing to enhance our national economy, and on the other side gap between rich and poor is gradually widening as a result of defective economic policies and programmes of the state. In this context, tribal people are mostly sufferers in the diverse ways which destabilize their human security as a matter of serious debate and discussion among the researchers, bureaucrats and policy makers as well as by the common people. To examine impacts of industrialization and other developmental policies and programmes over the tribal people the study has taken Odisha as a case. Although Odisha is abundance of natural resources and also having various industrialization processes, developmental policies and projects with foreign governments and international organizations, still regional imbalance in the different parts of the state is growing year after year which the cause of growing problem like 'Naxalism' in Odisha as a great threat to internal security of India, where tribal people are basically involved. It is in this back drop, there is growing acceptability of naxalism among the poor people in general and the tribal in particular which has further strengthened the naxal movement in the Odisha. The study addresses various causes behind the failure of state to stabilize tribal human security and highlights some effective measures to stop these problems.

Panel BH10
Development of the underdeveloped
  Session 1 Wednesday 7 August, 2013, -