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Accepted Paper:

Tribes & development: A case of Mankedia primitive tribal groups of Mayurbhanj, Odisha  
Madhulika Sahoo (Maa Manikeshwari University)

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Paper short abstract:

'Odisha' in India, which is one of the largest tribal dominating state, off late the state rising economic growth has remained limelight. At the same time it has witnessed wide range of regional and social disparities in development of the underprivileged & marginalized group of KBK & Mayurbhanj.

Paper long abstract:

'Odisha' in India, which is one of the largest tribal dominating state, off late the state rising economic growth has remained limelight in the National Science Congress 2012 meet. The Economic Survey 2010-11 at the state assembly claims that it has achieved 9.57% against the national average of 7.79%, at the same time the state has witnessed wide range of regional and social disparities in development, failing to address economic circumstances of the underprivileged & marginalized group of KBK & Mayurbhanj district of Odisha.

Although the state & central Government has introduces immense number of tribal development policies & schemes but in real it has failed to reached the targeted population. The question remains whether there are flaws in the scheme or lack of proper implementation or lack of awareness. The reasons might be many but there are less effective actions taken at the grass root level to curb the crisis.

The Mankedia Primitive Tribal groups of Mayurbhanj are the nomadic tribal groups, the Government in recent time has tried to settle the tribal groups by providing various tribal developmental schemes. The present case study has tried to explore some of the crucial factors of failure of Government schemes & the impact of development on Mankedia's on their transit phase from nomadic to settled life.

Madhulika Sahoo

Senior Research Fellow, Anthropological Survey of India

Former graduate of University of East London

Panel BH10
Development of the underdeveloped
  Session 1 Wednesday 7 August, 2013, -