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Accepted Paper:

An Empirical Challenge of Capability Approach  
Ryo Kambayashi (Musashi University)

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Paper short abstract:

The primary goal of this paper is to measuring capability of people, addressing the empirical difficulties in capturing an unobserved part of capability set. By using a new individual panel data, we estimate the capability sets. At the same time, we propose discussions how these statistical models have their normative basis as aggregation processes of individual functionings.

Paper long abstract:

The primary goal of this paper is to measuring capability of people, addressing the empirical difficulties in capturing an unobserved part of capability set. First, we construct a new individual panel data of ten waves for three years, covering multiple actions of the same person. Second, we apply the linear mean decomposition technique on the data to estimate the capability sets. Third, we propose discussions how these statistical models have their normative basis as aggregation processes of individual functionings, by introducing type-(in)dependent aggregation and equal-weight/ population share-weight evaluation rule. These normative discussions will provide the justification why we focus not only on the size of capability, but also the shape of capability; to what extent the capability is independent of specific behaviors. We also show actual size and unfreedom of capability for three groups (public care recipients, people with disability, general elderly).

Individual paper A0271
Capability approach and arts policy and practice (individual papers)