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Accepted Paper:
To chain them to the wheel of progress: the INC's youth department in the Cold War
Franziska Roy
(Zentrum Moderner Orient)
Paper short abstract:
The paper deals with the Congress-affiliated youth organisations, particularly their international relations and nation-building aspirations during the Cold War.
Paper long abstract:
The paper looks at the youth department organisation of the Indian National Congress from the 1950 to the early 1970s. It aims to make productive the tensions between the Non-Alignment paradigm, the actual international contacts of actors within the youth department who assumed the role of bona fide cultuural ambassadors, and the nation-building agenda at home. To this end, the networks and some of the relevant actors within the youth department and their agenda(s) will be traced and put in the larger context of the internal struggles and attempts at re-organisation of the Congress organisation on the one hand, and the difficult balance India had to maintain in the international sphere on the other.
Mobilizing youth in colonial and post-colonial South Asia
Session 1