Long Abstract:
9:00 Registration and welcome
9:15 Welcome address by Dr. Elisabeth Frasnelli (Director, University Library Basel)
9:30 Introduction round. Special guests: Jessica Achberger (African Studies Librarian, Michigan State University) and Dr. Jungyoon Park (Korea-Africa Centre, Seoul)
10:00 Dr. Jungyoon Park (Korea-Africa Centre, Seoul): In quest of a Korea-Africa Partnership. In the presentation, the Korea-Africa Center will be introduced and some issues that happened while building a new Africa database will be explained.
10:30 David Tréfàs / Alice Spinnler (University Library Basel): Afrikaportal
11:00Reto Ulrich (Basler Afrika Bibliographien): Namibia Digital Collection
11:30 Jos Damen (ASC Leiden): Comparing African Studies Centres (& Libraries) in Europe
12:00 Mattias Åkesson (NAI Uppsala): Cooperation for interchange on materials on the African liberation movement: a low budget project
12:30Magali Meunier the library of LAM (Les Afriques dans le monde)
13:00 Lunch
14.30ELIAS Annual Business Meeting
15.30 Visit to the exhibition Stolen Moments – NamibianMusic History Untold
18:00 Dinner