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The politics of the past as future making in Zimbabwe 
Minna Johanna Niemi (The Arctic University of Norway)
Jocelyn Alexander (University of Oxford)
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Minna Johanna Niemi (The Arctic University of Norway)
Shari Eppel (Cape Town University)
Lena Englund (University of Eastern Finland)
Arts and Culture (x) Violence and Conflict Resolution (y)
Neues Seminargebäude, Seminarraum 21
Thursday 1 June, -, -
Time zone: Europe/Berlin

Short Abstract:

This panel seeks to analyse the language, imagery, and tropes through which political use is made of the past by differently positioned actors in Zimbabwe. It further asks what type of futurity these actors produce by strategically utilizing narratives of the past to their own ends.

Long Abstract:

This panel offers a multi-perspective picture of contemporary political and cultural debates and practices in Zimbabwe, where the past has long been mobilised for political effect. Zimbabwe's political present is a fraught one. In making sense of it, we need to examine how the past is invoked and utilised for disparate political purposes, especially in the public sphere. The panel thus seeks to analyse the language, imagery, and tropes through which political use is made of the past by differently positioned actors. It further asks what type of futurity these actors produce by strategically utilizing narratives of the past to their own ends. It therefore offers a view of key Zimbabwean historical eras and how they inform present-day and future political scenarios in the country.

Accepted papers:

Session 1 Thursday 1 June, 2023, -
Session 2 Thursday 1 June, 2023, -