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'Future proofing urban marginalisation' 
One Pusumane (University of Edinburgh)
Marleen Dekker (African Studies Centre Leiden)
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Urban Studies (x) Inequality (y)
Neues Seminargebäude, Seminarraum 16
Wednesday 31 May, -
Time zone: Europe/Berlin

Short Abstract:

Urban citizenship and precarity remain major determinants of the future viability of development in Africa which necessitates considering the vulnerable- bodies, spatiality, and lived experiences of navigating the city. Therefore, there is a need to (re)imagine the future of African cities.

Long Abstract:

How do marginalized city people read the future? Or how does the state read the future of cities and the people in it? This panel explores questions about the construction of urban citizenship, and the ways in which neoliberal visions of a modern future impact on that process. It asks, for instance how the logics of governance and accountability (and the relationships they create between the state and citizens), are shifting in response to idealized notions of the modern city.

In this regard, we are interested in the contradictions between these idealized imaginaries of cityness and the everyday reality of marginalised life within the city. Papers will address the specific ways marginalized categories like the poor, women, and youth inhabit the material city, and how they inscribe their visions, fears, and imaginations on that city.

The panel also seeks to explore whether an anticipatory governance model necessarily prompts states and local governments to engage in inclusive approaches to developing the city? If this is the case, how does the state read the future of the city? What logics does it draw from and how do marginalized categories feature in this reading? Drawing from empirical cases from Africa, the panel hopes to encourage discussion about how the future (and the debates about what it really means) looms large in the African city's present, and about the locus of power in that process.

Accepted papers:

Session 1 Wednesday 31 May, 2023, -