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Accepted Paper:

has pdf download Scientists enforced disappearances at the CNEA during the last military-civilian dictatorship in Argentina, 1976-1983.  
Paula Erica Matuz (Universidad de Buenos aires) Irene Veronica Beyreuther (Universidad de Buenos Aires)

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Paper short abstract:

Analysys of the enforced disappearances of scientists at the Nuclear Energy National Committee (CNEA) during the last military-civilian dictatorship in Argentina 1976 - 1983. Despite the strategic relevance this institution gained during this period, it didn´t remain aside from State Terrorism.

Paper long abstract:

Among the several negative consequences caused by the last military-civilian dictatorship, which took place in Argentina from 1976 to 1983, we attempt in this paper to aim those related to workplace conditions emerged within Science and Technology institutions.

In addition, the Atomic Energy National Committee (CNEA) represents for many reasons a paradigmatic example. In the first place, since its creation in 1950, it had gained an unquestionable strategic relevance. Secondly, after the coup d'état in 1976, military personnel were in charge of the major positions at the CNEA. Thirdly, during the mentioned period scientists enforced disappearances took place. It is important, then, to inquire about violence at CNEA workplace during this period, specially, introducing analytical categories from an Interdisciplinary Field such as Science, Technology and Society studies (STS). From this interesting conceptual approach, scientist is described as a Science worker, which lead us to analyze the Lab as a labour environment in which labour relations develop, and labour violence can occur as it happened at CNEA workplace during the military administration (1976-1983).

Panel T026
Human rights "in the making": on restitution, expertise and devices for denunciation
  Session 1 Thursday 1 September, 2016, -