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Accepted Contribution:

Mady Malheiro Barbeitas (CNRS) Candida Sánchez Burmester (Maastricht University) Willem Halffman (Institute for Science in Society, Radboud University Nijmegen) Melpomeni Antonakaki (Technical University of Munich) Maarten Derksen (University of Groningen) Nicole Nelson (University of Wisconsin Madison) Maha Said (Universite Sorbonne Paris Nord) Sergio Sismondo (Queen's University) Bart Penders (RWTH Aachen and Maastricht University) Nicolas Rasmussen (University of New South Wales)

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Short abstract:

What have been the obstacles for (self-)correction in academia and industry?

Long abstract:


Willem Halffman (Radboud University)


Melpomeni Antonakaki (Technical University of Munich)

Maarten Derksen (University of Groningen)

Nicole Nelson (University of Wisconsin Madison)

Bart Penders (RWTH Aachen and Maastricht University)

Nicolas Rasmussen (University of New South Wales)

Maha M. Said (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord)

Sergio Sismondo (Queen's University)

Combined Format Open Panel P057
How, when and why does science (fail to) correct itself?
  Session 3 Wednesday 17 July, 2024, -