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Accepted Contribution:

One size does NOT fit all: localising science communication resources through a network of national and regional hubs  
Aoife Taylor (Trinity College Dublin) Jason Pridmore (Erasmus University) Joseph Roche (Trinity College Dublin) joana Magalhães (Science for Change (SFC))

Short abstract:

This session will discuss the localisation of science communication resources developed as part of the COALESCE project through co-creation and the establishment of a National and Regional hub network, valuing the complex contextual nature of relationships between science and diverse audiences.

Long abstract:

This session will discuss the localisation of science communication resources through the establishment of a network of National and Regional (N&R) hubs.

Relationships between science, technology and society are no longer thought to solely depend on the breadth of information available, but are understood to be deep rooted in specific cultural, political, and socio-economic contexts. Without this consideration, efforts to strengthen these relationships can instead cause further damage.

Oftentimes, resources to support science communicators are funded and developed through projects on a larger (European) scale. While project partners bring unique perspectives from a variety of practices and countries, we must acknowledge the limits of these perspectives when designing activities aimed at audiences not part of the conversation. If the relationships we hope to foster between science and society are deep rooted in context and intersectionality, local expertise and experience must be valued and embedded into science communication endeavours through reciprocal interactions.

Coordinated Opportunities for Advanced Leadership and Engagement in Science Communication in Europe (COALESCE) is a Horizon Europe project tasked with establishing a European Competence Centre (CC) for Science Communication, with co-creation at its core. COALESCE will build a network of N&R hubs to act as a bridge between local science communicators, and the training and tools hosted by the CC, by positioning activities within specific contexts. We will highlight how this network is vital to ensure impact and sustainability of the centre itself, while working to foster positive, equitable relationships between science and diverse audiences across society.

Combined Format Open Panel P048
Justice-oriented science communication research: sharing knowledge, building a network (papers and discussion workshop)
  Session 3 Tuesday 16 July, 2024, -