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Accepted Paper:
Short abstract:
For the interviewed based project ASTROMOVES, I built relationships that emphasized control of their own words and their own images above and beyond what was required of me from the perspective of university ethics. Those relationships continue past the end of the project.
Long abstract:
The ASTROMOVES project relies on interviews with astrophysicists and those in related sciences. Relationships began with the request for interviews and continue past the official end of the project. The consent form which included three possible levels of consent, gave details on what would be done with their interview data and how it would be presented publicly. Because documentary films are part of the research outputs, informal permissions were granted for each clip used in the films and presentations though as far as university ethics were concerned this was not needed. Reflecting on the C.A.R.E. principles of Indigenous Data Governance, A is for authority to control their own data. Similarly, as the researcher, I felt that each person interviewed had the authority to control their image and thus gave them several opportunities to approve or disapprove how I used film clips that featured them. This additional informal permission had at least a two-fold benefit in that as a researcher I felt comfortable presenting the film clips and I imagine that the people featured trust me more. When writing articles, I evoked pseudonyms for quotes, but these were edited to remove identifiers. As with the film clips, I shared drafts of articles with the people quoted to ensure that they thought they were sufficiently unidentifiable. I worked with the non-heterosexual people that I interviewed to decide how to represent the third gender category which is now LGBTQIA+. This presentation explores these aspects of the relationship between me and the scientists interviewed.
Astronomy, Observatories, Astrophysics Culture, Indigeneity And Diversity
Session 1 Thursday 18 July, 2024, -