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Accepted Paper:

Legal abortion in the hospital! The Economic Cost of Clandestine Abortion in Argentina (1984, 2020)  
Rebeca Gomez Betancourt (Université Lyon 2) Florencia Bianca Messore (Universidad de Buenos Aires and Université de Lyon 2 - Lumière)

Paper short abstract:

Clandestine abortion and maternal deaths are causes and consequences of economic inequality, so the responsibility for their resolution falls on the State. How does the clandestinely of abortion affect women and pregnant people in Argentina?

Paper long abstract:

Since 2015, the "Ni Una Menos" movements in Latin America have begun to openly problematize femicide and the responsibility of the State in patriarchal violence. Clandestine abortion and maternal deaths are causes and consequences of economic inequality, and therefore the responsibility for their resolution falls on the State. Economic and racial differences are an important element, as women and pregnant people from slums are more prone to dangerous practices in hiding and to more immediate health consequences. Within the political slogans in the mobilizations in favor of the legalization of abortion, the function of the public hospital and the demand for legalization in the face of the decriminalization of abortion played a fundamental role. In this article we question: how does the clandestinely of abortion affect women and pregnant people? How does the feminization of poverty affect access to contraceptives and sex education?

We will address the consequences of economic inequalities caused by the fact that abortion was illegal. First, as a result of economic inequalities in Argentina, a significant segment of the population does not have access to sex education that allows women and pregnant people to empower themselves with their bodies, to be able to plan their reproductive process and have access to the termination of pregnancy in private clinics. Second, the fact that abortion has been illegal in Argentina has caused the deaths of pregnant people, unwanted births, and impoverishment of women, as well as their exit from the labor market.

Panel OP312
  Session 2 Thursday 18 July, 2024, -