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Shaping futures: reimagining immobility through an anthropological exploration of waiting, stuckness and hope [Anthropology and Mobility (AnthroMOB))] 
Maarja Kaaristo (Tallinn University and Manchester Metropolitan University)
Klaudia Kosicińska (Institute of Slavic Studies PAS)
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Diana Mata Codesal (University of Barcelona)
Facultat de Geografia i Història 304
Friday 26 July, -, -
Time zone: Europe/Madrid

Short Abstract:

This panel delves into the transformative potential of immobility, emphasizing the role of temporality and pacing of mobility as catalyst for hope, imagination, and aspirations.

Long Abstract:

This panel invites a reimagining of immobility as a fertile ground for cultivating hope, imagination, and aspirations for the future. Beyond its conventional portrayal as mere stasis opposed to mobility, we delve into the complexity of immobility as a human experience, emphasizing the dynamics of feeling "stuck", waiting and the capacity to hope and aspire amidst constraints as foundational elements for shaping futures on the move.

We welcome contributions that investigate these themes through a lens on the temporality and pacing of mobility, existential im/mobility, potential im/mobility, liminality, and also more particularly: the emotion and politics of waiting, physical and/or existential stuckness, the making of life and career trajectories, dynamics of imagination, the capacity to aspire, as well as various transitions in the life-course. Through such explorations, we aim to deepen our understanding of individual and collective experiences of immobility, uncovering the underlying social and political structures that shape them and exploring the diverse strategies individuals and communities employ to navigate immobility. We hope to broaden our perspectives on the role of the anthropological exploration of immobility in shaping better futures and fostering mobility justice in contemporary times.

Accepted papers:

Session 1 Friday 26 July, 2024, -
Session 2 Friday 26 July, 2024, -