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Climates and Futures: a generative futures anthropology [Future Anthropologies Network (FAN)] 
Sarah Pink (Monash University)
Tom Bratrud (University of Bergen)
Kari Dahlgren (Monash University)
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Debora Lanzeni (Monash University)
Karen Waltorp (University of Copenhagen)
Facultat de Geografia i Història 406
Tuesday 23 July, -, -
Time zone: Europe/Madrid

Short Abstract:

This panel advances the role of anthropology in shaping desirable climate futures. It calls for a Futures Anthropology which advocates for engagement, participation and intervention, through themes including energy, transition, waste, mining, health, and activism for diverse and sustainable futures

Long Abstract:

This panel interrogates and advances the role of anthropology in generating transformative change. Apocalyptic narratives about climate futures abound, and rightfully inspire critique. But the carefully honed conceptual and methodological tools of a futures-focused anthropology offer new ways to step forward; from fatalism to action; from doing anthropology “of" a distant future to an active futures anthropology “in” and close up to climate futures; from critique to intervention, from undoing to doing.

We seek to create a new agenda for 'doing' climate futures: what theoretical approaches and conceptual categories best support a transformative anthropology in (not just “of”) climate futures? how might we embrace new modes of pluralistic thinking to better understand and engage with the intricate webs of relationships among societies, ecosystems, and technologies; what new possibilities emerge as the consequences of undoing simplistic apocalyptic or utopian narratives; what innovative, ethical, and interventional approaches are required to create an anthropology that is transformative and willing to get its hands dirty in the name of desirable and collective transformation. In answering these questions we invite scholars, practitioners, and change-makers to join us in an evolving community of practice that transcends disciplinary boundaries and works towards more sustainable and diverse futures.

We welcome theoretical, methodological and ethnographic papers, as well as interdisciplinary and other works which bring diverse voices and knowledge systems to the conversation. We are interested in reflecting on themes including (but not exclusively) energy, transition, waste, mining, industrial landscapes, health and activism or other forms of human-environment relations.

Accepted papers:

Session 1 Tuesday 23 July, 2024, -
Session 2 Tuesday 23 July, 2024, -