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Doing and undoing carcerality [Anthropology of Confinement Network] 
Jason Danely (Oxford Brookes University)
Catarina Frois (ISCTE-IUL)
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Luisa Schneider (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Julienne Weegels (University of Amsterdam)
Facultat de Geografia i Història 208
Thursday 25 July, -, -
Time zone: Europe/Madrid

Short Abstract:

This panel looks at 'doing and undoing carcerality' from three perspectives: first, the undoing of personhood through carceral practices; second, the undoing of the carceral through practices of resistance; and third, the undoing of anthropological conventions through decarceral abolitionist praxis.

Long Abstract:

Carcerality is something that is done in ways that undo personhood. Confinement, exclusion, surveillance and other techniques of discipline and control can radically disrupt and foreclose possibilities for dwelling in the world. Ethnographic investigations of 'doing carcerality' have argued that extension of carceral logics and practices traverse across a long continuum of interlinked sites, from prisons and social welfare schemes to streets and neighborhoods (Weegels, Jefferson and Martin 2020; Fassin et al. 2015). They have shown how this continuum, and the churn of criminalized bodies through its circuits produces complexities and contradictions that individuals attempt to negotiate as they seek security, care, and liveable lives. This panel seeks to further develop these ideas by asking how carcerality might be done or undone across different sites in ways that 'stay with the trouble' (Haraway 2016) of broader social contexts of marginalization, inequality and injustice?

This panel also seeks to highlight the ways processes of doing and undoing are never completely deterministic and leave "discursive-material interstices" (Gilmore 1999) within which individuals and collectives are able to actively resist carcerality, undoing its grip and creating regenerative spaces for doing and being otherwise. This panel considers the implications of these struggles for the ways we do anthropology, or how a more action-oriented anthropology that “spans academic, public and militant spaces" (Scott 2022) can undo dominant practices in ways that are informed by decarceral and abolitionist praxis (Shange 2022).

Accepted papers:

Session 1 Thursday 25 July, 2024, -
Session 2 Thursday 25 July, 2024, -