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Undoing exclusion, re-doing inclusion? Muslims, DEI and Inclusive Islam 
Jonathan Galton (UCL)
Fahad Rahman (LSE and University of Oxford)
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Facultat de Geografia i Història 405
Wednesday 24 July, -
Time zone: Europe/Madrid

Short Abstract:

How do Muslims in the global north who practice Islam with a focus on inclusivity and diversity engage with the Islamic discursive tradition and how do these practices interact with wider discourses of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)?

Long Abstract:

This panel explores how multiply minoritised Muslim communities in the global north construct, deconstruct, and reconstruct the Islamic discursive tradition. Anthropologists are increasingly interested in alternative forms of piety within inclusive Muslim groups that are based on empowering those traditionally marginalised within Islamic and other social contexts on grounds of gender, sexuality, race or disability (among others). We ask whether and to what extent these practices and discourses of inclusion address different forms of diversity and intersectional identities? Are any new forms of exclusion are built into emerging inclusionary practices? For example, while there is an increasing focus on the intersections of Islam with gender and sexuality, other exclusions, notably race-based ones, remain under-addressed.

Meanwhile, how does the growing emphasis on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in the global north impinge on different Muslim communities? Within the Western context Muslims form minority communities that are simultaneously considered beneficiaries of DEI initiatives and threats to the success of such initiatives. We therefore ask, for example, whether the empowerment of women and queer people link to new forms of Islamophobia that categorises Muslims as ‘good’ and ‘bad’ based on the perceived threat they pose to the rights of women and queer people.

This session will hence explore inclusion from the perspectives of the ‘doing and undoing’ of religious, secular, and (homo)nationalist discourses with a focus on how they interact with exclusionary processes.

Accepted papers:

Session 1 Wednesday 24 July, 2024, -