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has 1 film 1
Reordering Domestic Spaces: Wild Ecologies of Things in the 21st Century II 
Tomas Errazuriz (Universidad Andres Bello)
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Francisco Martínez (University of Murcia)
Katie Kilroy-Marac (University of Toronto)
6 College Park (6CP), 0G/026
Friday 29 July, -
Time zone: Europe/London

Short Abstract:

This panel invites contributions that study contemporary dispositions towards conserving or discarding objects at home. The selected papers describe the practices of care, upkeep, repair, reuse, resignification, and recirculation that we establish with our surroundings at the level of the domestic.

Long Abstract:

We welcome papers that research the social dimension of things, not simply the symbolic and utilitarian one. We intend to unveil different criteria and practices of engagement with materiality, as well as the active curating of what comes in and out from the homes under study. We'll gather reflections on how homes are produced and maintained through specific practices of care and discard. In a cross-cultural, cross-generational and comparative way, we aim at comprehending contemporary uses, positions and relocations of domestic resources. Under the notion of wild ecologies of things, we seek to make visible the rather complex trajectories that objects follow in contemporary home-making, approaching domesticity as an experience made of both enclosure and dynamism. In this vein, we suggest to approach homes as spaces whereby wider socio-cultural transformations are produced, experienced, and negotiated by re-working the existing ecology of things.

Our panel sets out to contribute to anthropological discussions that reflect on how home-making is a process of dwelling that echoes lived experiences as well as orientations towards the future through constant adjustments and accommodations. For instance, Kilroy-Marac (2018) engages with this question by studying hoarding behaviors and the work of so-called 'professional organisers'. Before, Kopytoff (1986), Hoskins (1998), Miller (2008), and Domínguez-Rubio (2016) observed that objects can have their own biographies as well, possessing agency too. But while possessions can be accumulated, they can also be discarded, since ways of getting rid of things are used to narrate identities and social relations (Marcoux 2001; Gregson 2007), developing specific conduits of disposal (Hetherington 2004).

Accepted papers:

Session 1 Friday 29 July, 2022, -
Panel Video visible to paid-up delegates