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Being there - but how? On the transformation of presences I 
Sebastian Dümling (Universität Basel)
Eberhard Wolff (University of Zürich)
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Lanyon Building, LAN/0G/074
Tuesday 26 July, -
Time zone: Europe/London

Short Abstract:

The panel is dedicated to the question how "presence" as a fundamental form of lifeworld experience has changed and is being reshaped in the course of digital-media transformation. We invite contributions from media anthropology, the anthropology of the body and the senses to discuss this question.

Long Abstract:

In the theoretical tradition of phenomenology, "presence" is understood as a mode of fundamental human experience: I experience the world around me as my empirical lifeworld (Lebenswelt) because I am present in this lifeworld. Even more: The «I» experiences itself as an empirically concrete «I» because it experiences itself as present in the world.

"Presence" as a mode of experience understood in this way has, however, become fragile through processes of medialization and digitalization, or must be reconceptualized - not least through transformations in the pandemic everyday life: "Presence" now can be physical, face-to-face, digital, distant, online, virtual, contactless, personal, in person, in vivo, usual, real, home, offline, sensual, etc. From the perspective of an anthropology of the body and the senses, it is then fundamentally necessary to ask what this means for mutual body experience and body doing.

Thus, actors oscillate between different forms of presence and dimensions of reality. The panel will provide a platform to problematize presences with both theoretical and empirical contributions. Possible questions that the contributions can address are: Which different presences can be observed? How are different presences produced and experienced? How is presence used strategically as an argument? Are there political, cultural, economic actors that capitalize on presence? Accordingly, the panel is interested in the intertwining of medial, empirical, and sensory-physical transformations.

Accepted papers:

Session 1 Tuesday 26 July, 2022, -
Panel Video visible to paid-up delegates